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Sample Postingan Product I

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Contoh Halaman Postingan Product di Tema Modie-UI Landing Page

💵 Harga

🏷️ IDR. 475.000 - 850.000


✓ 1 bh antena parabola mini.
✓ 1 bh LNB Ku-Band single.
✓ 15 meter kabel coaxcial rg6.
✓ 1 bh Receiver/Dekoder Receiver Kvision / Nex Parabola.
✓ Harga sudah termasuk dengan pemasangan parabola area Bandung dan sekitarnya.
✓ Warna dan dus tidak mengikat, sesuai kesediaan stok barang yang ada.
Channel TV Lokal :
RCTI, MNC TV, Global TV, INews, TV One, TVRI, TRANS 7, TRANS TV, ANTV, SCTV, Indosiar, Metro TV, Kompas TV , RTV , NET TV, dll.
Channel TV Islami :
Mekah , Madinah, Insan TV, Rodja TV, Radio Rodja, Wesal TV , Salam TV , Niaga TV, Surau TV, Ahsan TV, Al-Iman TV, Puldapii TV, Muadz TV, Ashill Tv, Ahsan TV, Rosyad TV, dll.
*) Bisa tambah channel premium berbayar dengan isi voucher jika akan ditonton.
Paket channel berbayar dengan isi voucher di Alfamart, Indomaret, Transfer, dll.
Brosur Channel Premium Nex Parabola
Brosur Channel Premium Nex Parabola

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Sample Postingan Product II

Contoh "sample product ke-2" , halaman postingan dengan tambahan nama label Product dan Fullpage




SeriesHP Pavilion Laptop 15-eh1101AU
Specific Uses For ProductMultimedia
Screen Size15.6 Inches
Operating SystemWindows 10 Home
Human Interface InputTouchscreen
CPU ManufacturerAMD
Graphics Card DescriptionIntegrated
ProcessorAMD Ryzen 5 5500U
Storage512 GB SSD
Memory8 GB DDR4-3200 MHz
Special FeatureMicro-Edge Display, Thin
What is in the Box?HP Laptop, 65 W Smart AC power adapter, user manuals

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